The Core Team

Dominic Von Martens
Founder & Head of Scale Up
Driving programs in org. with 25 000+ employees. Previous strategy consultant at McKinsey & Co. Double MSc. in Management and Computer Science.
- Designing and driving the rollout of large-scale transformation programs at organizations with up to 25 000 employees.
- Hosting leadership courses at SSE Executive Education and Royal Institute of Technology.
- Forming and facilitating Self Leaders international and digital programs and workshops.
- Strategy consultant at McKinsey & Company.
- MSc. in Economics and Business at SSE.
- MSc. In Computer Science and Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology.
My core values are Simplicity, Inspiration, and Sustainability. Growing up in a simple cottage in the forest, I’ve always been connected to nature. Together with my team and clients, we explore how to find future sustainable paths on every level (individual, team, organization, planet).

Malin Rapp
Keynote speaker & Head of Research Strategy
Speaker at Harvard, Spotify, and Ericsson. Research strategist in neuroscience and psychology. World champion in snowkiting.
- Guest lecturer at Harvard University.
- Head of leadership course at Stockholm School of Economics.
- Speaker at Green house, Spotify NY, Boston, and Stockholm.
- Designing large-scale self-leadership programs at Lindex.
- Design and delivery of Global leader program at Storytel.
- Partner strategist scale-up and education for Raoul Wallenberg Academy.
- Co-founder of Growing Minds and Bättre skolor.
- World Champion in Snowkite.
- Sport & Motivational Psychology Halmstad Högskola.
- Degree in Cognitive neurosciences & Positive psychology.
My core values are challenge, science, and sustainability. I love to push my own limits, and I work to inspire my clients and team to be more innovative in sustainable and scientific ways.

Dick Von Martens
Founder & Head of Client Development
Culture strategist working with multinational companies such as H&M, Swedbank, and SF Studios. Previous management consultant at McKinsey & Co. MSc. in Management at SSE.
- Advising top MGMT and key Human Resource personnel at organizations from 50 to 100 000+ employees.
- Experienced speaker, facilitator, and leadership developer who has led workshops with between 10 and 700+ participants.
- Lecturing in Leadership, Strategy, Values, and Vision, in the context of self-leadership and management.
- Designing large-scale transformation programs across a wide range of industries.
- Management consultant at McKinsey & Company.
- Personality assessment work at SHL Nordics.
- Certified within ACT: Third way of CBT.
- MSc. in Economics and Business at SSE.
Three of my most important values are Courage, Learning, and Responsibility. I am passionate about leadership and growing organizations, signified by drive, development, and value-creation.

Teresa Acuña Lopez
Senior Facilitator & Leader developer
Culture strategist who has worked with several of Sweden's most prominent workplaces. With a strong focus on turning strategies into tangible results, she has helped leaders and organizations create lasting change globally.
- Worked with some of Swedens best workplaces.
- Studied social psychology and change management.
- Worked with the largest workplace study that measures trust.
- Lead and facilitated workshops for both Swedish startups to global companies with + 4000 employees
- Worked directly with over 10 000 people via lectures, workshops and other educational initiatives.
- Former Business Manager with sales and staff responsibility.
- Swedish handball champion (junior)
I am passionate about improving people’s lives in the place where we spend most of our time—at work! By fostering an understanding of our own motivations and values in relation to our work, I believe we can create a more sustainable life that benefits the individual, the team, and the company and my mission is to maker this happen!

Alexander Dryselius
Facilitator & Agile Coach
A driven leadership facilitator and client coordinator with experience in facilitating groups of up to 300 people.
Planning and driving Self Leaders’ global support structure. Presenter at TEDxKTH.
M.Sc. In Industrial Engineering and Management.
- Experience in facilitating groups ranging from 2 to 300 people.
- Facilitating and lecturing in leadership, hybrid workplaces, and culture development.
- Project Manager with an emphasis on intercultural communication.
- Planning and driving Self Leaders’ global support structure.
- Presenter at TEDxKTH.
- Chairman of the Board of the Student Council of Industrial Management at KTH.
- M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management.
Growth through openness and knowledge transfer. With an authentic curiosity for the journey of life and a selfless presence, I hope to lead the next generation of humankind to make the right decisions and unlock both their kindness and excitement for the future.

Simón Cabrera Ebers
Senior Facilitator & Leader Developer
Simón Cabrera Ebers, lecturer with a focus on inclusion and diversity, inspires leaders and employees in Sweden as well as globally. Simón helps companies and organizations create an inclusive culture that makes people grow in a common direction.
- Been key note speaker at the European Parliament for 1000+ people.
- Worked directly with over 10,000 people via lectures, workshops and other educational initiatives.
- Worked with a large variety of target groups with everything from the military in Sudan to leadership groups and teams from Swedish companies such as PwC, AMF and Grant Thornton.
- Contributed to creating national and regional policy frameworks around inclusion in Europe, Africa, South and Southeast Asia in a total of 12 countries.
My three core values are Co-creation, challenge, and vision.

Niccolas Albiz
Facilitator & Academia Bridge
Bridging Business and Academia such that the leading knowledge gets out to where it is most needed. Focus on Transformation, Sustainability & Preconditions for development.
- Designs and leads courses at KTH on ethics, inclusive leadership, and self-leadership to broaden the perspectives of the engineers of the future.
- Designed and developed the digital video-course material within a national initiative for Swedish teachers, Future Minds.
- Consultant and lecturer on the leadership needed for large-scale change including socio-technical change, amongst others with Volvo Cars and AI Sweden.
- Co-founder of World Values Initiative, and previous node-manager for the Stockholm division.
- Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH.
I am passionate about what leadership mentalities and practices help us grow and be mentally flexible enough to engage in transformation for a more sustainable society.

Jan Artem Henriksson
Founder & Head of Thoughts Leaders Summits
Connecting Self Leaders methodology to the most renowned researchers. Organized Master Class with Harvard professor Robert Kegan & Amy Edmondson.
MSc. in Management SSE.
- Co-founder of Self Leaders and Relate.
- Specialized in working with values and cultural transformation.
- Experience working with many top management teams in organizations like PwC, Spotify, and SEB.
- Faculty at Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education.
- Initiator MindShift – Growth that Matters Initiative and Manifesto.
- Board Member and Fellow at Ekskäret Foundation.
- Guest lecturer at Harvard University Graduate School.
- Organizer of the Master Class with prof. Robert Kegan and Amy Edmondson.
I am passionate about Adult Development, meditation, nature, adventures, and dance. Focusing on new ways of implementing values and applying the Adult Development Theory in organizations.

Nassim Mehran
Client Contact & Facilitator
Sociologist, entrepreneur, and certified coach with over 10 years of experience in recruitment, coaching, self-leadership, and events. Degree in Behavioral Science.
- 10 years of experience with coaching.
- Certified Coach at Coachhuset 2010.
- Degree in Behavioural Science, with additional courses such as Practical Rhetorics at Stockholm University and ‘Music & Wellbeing’ at Royal College of Music in Stockholm.
- Has a parallel career as a House-& Techno DJ & producer.
- Previously worked as a recruiter.
Besides family, friends, coaching, continuous self-improvement, and mindful moments in nature, I am highly passionate about music and its impact on health. I also love to write and I’m currently working on a novel.
Employee and company growth through virtual experiences.
@ Copyright Self Leaders 2021
- +46 8 559 233 40
- Gamla Brogatan 17, 111 20 Stockholm Sweden