Increased uncertainty and a faster rate of change, economically and technologically sets challenges for employer and employee. Many of us are wondering where the times are heading, with some meeting a financial reality that forces teams to shrink, and others see the rapid AI development of the past years threaten their positions.
The only constant is that resilience to change is more important now than ever before. We need to learn how to adapt to our new reality in order to not just stay relevant, but to feel good in and master uncertain times. We at Self Leaders have 15 years of experience helping organizations such as Google, Telia Company, Ericsson, Stadium, and SIDA identify their success factors and combine them with the ones we observe in research. From this, we can see a clear pattern where companies and empowered employees who master change are the ones that come out of tough times as winners.
One of the things that unite the teams and individuals who have a good ability to handle unforeseen changes from others is that they have a learning approach, a Growth Mindset.
With a Growth Mindset, we focus on what we can influence and see new situations as an opportunity to learn something new. This is beneficial for us as we open up to try finding new solutions, persevere when it feels difficult, take help from each other and choose to see setbacks as part of the learning process.
The prerequisite for getting individuals to develop and maintain a Growth Mindset, which means that the team as a whole can adapt more quickly to the changes in the outside world and the internal changes they bring, is that the workplace has a high level of safety, openness and trust.
For these reasons, Growth Mindset should become the most prioritized issue for companies and leaders now that our reality is characterized by high volatility and uncertainty. Under these conditions, the company’s and employees’ attitude to change becomes absolutely decisive.
During the workshop, we give thought-provoking perspectives to you who want to strengthen your own and your employees’ learning and opportunity thinking. You will get to test a successful and easily accessible digital tool that facilitates the implementation of Growth Mindset within teams and that contributes to behavioral change throughout the organization. The tool enables teams to grow and continue to take on challenges and achieve results – despite the uncertain times we now have to learn to navigate.
At Self Leaders, we are experts in leadership and self-leadership development and hold tailor-made workshops, lectures, and programs for your entire team or organisation – physically on site or digitally.
Send a request or set up a meeting with us at Self Leaders by filling out the form below.